Thursday, November 18, 2010

An Ocean of Tears

A tear is a strange thing. Why do I say this?
Well, a tear denotes so many things. One might call a tear the unit of the myriad human emotions we come across. A mother will cry when her child does her proud. The same mother will cry again when her child falls fatally ill. You might see a tear in the eye of a man who is so angry at himself for losing someone in his life. You'll see a tear in the eyes of a boy who did things he is now regretting. 
Tears are everywhere.

Funny thing about tears is that they are beautiful. They are beautiful, they are magical, and even if they are tears of hate, they are still magical. They shine and they catch the light and show the colours of the rainbow, just like how it contains emotions.It's impossible to imagine that one drop of salty water that falls from your eye carries a world of emotions in it. Maybe it's joy, maybe it's grief. Maybe it's deep rooted anger or regret. As humans, we can feel a vast spectrum of emotions. Most of these emotions don't even have words to describe them, but we have given words to a chosen few. The most prominent of all these is love. 

Love is like a burning flame. Get too close, it makes your eyes burn and water from the heat. Go too far, your eyes water from the cold indifference. Either way it makes you cry. The better part of love can be denoted by vibrant colours like red, orange, vermilion and gold with bright blue, light blue and pink. All the colours of a flame, blending together, burning and burning forever. The sadder part of love is in black. Complete and utter black. The same black that you experience when a flame goes out and plunges the surroundings into darkness. This is much the same with love.

We cry in both circumstances. We cry because we are so happy that someone loves us so deeply. We cry that the one we loved left us. Tell me honestly, is crying a weakness? Some would say it is. Actually, most would say it is. I think I'm the minority that says not. We humans, we creatures of amalgamated emotions cry inside our hearts... but it's not always so easy to let the tears fall. Crying is the first step to acceptance.. which is the path to healing. It takes courage to cry. It takes fear not to.

Every tear that falls finds it way to the ocean. Tears are endless, and this is why the ocean is so vast, never ending and expanding. It cannot be tamed. It cannot be forced to behave because the ocean is comprised of human emotions that fell down human cheeks and filled up the trenches of the sea bed. Human emotions cannot be forced to behave, just like the oceans. You never know how it will react, just like you do not know on which part of your cheek the next tear will fall on.

So, it's okay to cry. After all, if not for the tears, we'd have no oceans.