Sunday, December 19, 2010

Beautiful Creature

He walked, his majestic mane it glowed
Glowed in the light of the morning sun
Like a million threads of gold it glowed
When the light was fading and the day was done
His skin was ocher, a million yellows
Colours that have no name
Beautiful shades of gold shot brown
That never once faded the same
He stole his colours from the sun
And yet he shines like a galaxy on his own
How is it possible to carry such magic?
When he walks the grass alone?
His voice was beautiful, a soothing thrum
Like the voice of a storm in the wind
Pounding, thudding and skipping hearts
The oncoming rush of whirlwind
How did he become so handsome, so majestic?
Where does he find that magic, that grace?
Why does he walk alone, I wonder
Why deny the welcome embrace?

Brave you are, my beautiful creature
Your heart is beautiful, your soul is a diamond
Throwing wonderful colours in the light of the sun
Beautiful creature, your spirit is darkened
Be not afraid of the light of the sun, be not afraid of her love
Let her warm healing rays touch your skin
She will shine for you, so roar to sky

Beautiful creature; my wonderful brave-lion...
...let me be your sun. 

For my lion :) 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Scaring Happiness

Happiness chased me,
pursued me for so long
But I ran away because it scared me.
Happiness stabbed me,
like a knife, in the back
But I screamed not because I was petrified.
Happiness pushed me,
off the edge of a cliff
I didn't open my eyes because I was brave
Happiness called to me,
like a mist creeping over
I sent it away with kisses and then I fled
Happiness held me,
in the arms of someone until I cried
Happiness kept coming, wave after wave
Until I stopped running.
And when I stopped running..
.. it stopped chasing.
So I chased happiness in hot pursuit.
But happiness ran because it was scared of me.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

An Ocean of Tears

A tear is a strange thing. Why do I say this?
Well, a tear denotes so many things. One might call a tear the unit of the myriad human emotions we come across. A mother will cry when her child does her proud. The same mother will cry again when her child falls fatally ill. You might see a tear in the eye of a man who is so angry at himself for losing someone in his life. You'll see a tear in the eyes of a boy who did things he is now regretting. 
Tears are everywhere.

Funny thing about tears is that they are beautiful. They are beautiful, they are magical, and even if they are tears of hate, they are still magical. They shine and they catch the light and show the colours of the rainbow, just like how it contains emotions.It's impossible to imagine that one drop of salty water that falls from your eye carries a world of emotions in it. Maybe it's joy, maybe it's grief. Maybe it's deep rooted anger or regret. As humans, we can feel a vast spectrum of emotions. Most of these emotions don't even have words to describe them, but we have given words to a chosen few. The most prominent of all these is love. 

Love is like a burning flame. Get too close, it makes your eyes burn and water from the heat. Go too far, your eyes water from the cold indifference. Either way it makes you cry. The better part of love can be denoted by vibrant colours like red, orange, vermilion and gold with bright blue, light blue and pink. All the colours of a flame, blending together, burning and burning forever. The sadder part of love is in black. Complete and utter black. The same black that you experience when a flame goes out and plunges the surroundings into darkness. This is much the same with love.

We cry in both circumstances. We cry because we are so happy that someone loves us so deeply. We cry that the one we loved left us. Tell me honestly, is crying a weakness? Some would say it is. Actually, most would say it is. I think I'm the minority that says not. We humans, we creatures of amalgamated emotions cry inside our hearts... but it's not always so easy to let the tears fall. Crying is the first step to acceptance.. which is the path to healing. It takes courage to cry. It takes fear not to.

Every tear that falls finds it way to the ocean. Tears are endless, and this is why the ocean is so vast, never ending and expanding. It cannot be tamed. It cannot be forced to behave because the ocean is comprised of human emotions that fell down human cheeks and filled up the trenches of the sea bed. Human emotions cannot be forced to behave, just like the oceans. You never know how it will react, just like you do not know on which part of your cheek the next tear will fall on.

So, it's okay to cry. After all, if not for the tears, we'd have no oceans.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


The world is a bucket of technicolour paint
You are the blues, the colours of depth, and I am the yellows bright
We paint the world wherever we go
We're painters, skillful painters.

The ink that flows in the pen never ends
Because imagination has no end, it knows no limits nor bounds
We write what we see, than of what we know
We're chroniclers, travelling chroniclers. 

Maybe it be the sea and the crashing waves
Like how the water pounds on the rocks in a mystic mantra forever
Something about it is amazing
Just like we're amazing, amazing. 

Be it colour, be it black and white
There is something about the two of us, we are amazing, we are amazing
We shed light wherever we go
We are amazing, so amazing. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Instructions to Love

Speak to me
We might get very close.

Hear me sing
You will see my face glows.

Sit next to me
We might end up best friends.

Let me speak
So I can make amends.

Dance with me
I don't mind left feet.

Praise my talents
I don't have conceit.

Hug me tight
You will feel warm.

Text me, me call me
I'm here through the storm.

Hold my hand
You might fall for me.

Stroke my hair
I won't be clingy.

Smile with me
I might make your day.

Watch me write
Of the things unsaid.

Stand your ground
I might fall for you.

Point out wrong
I have no rue.

Get to know me
I might make you smile.

Take me as I am
For I am worthwhile.

The Bear

There was a bear that I once saw
Who loved green tea and ate eggs raw
He was really a cuddly bear
In his mouth was a golden pear
But he had a thorn on his paw

So he carried his hand in a neat mansling
He had cool shades with amazing bling
In his other hand was a mug
From which he did always chug
He would sing, oh he did sing!

He walks with the mug held tight in hand
His hair was bleached to the colour of sand
He his little chug mug was green
He enjoyed Lebanese cuisine
He liked his bear-girls sun tanned

On days if you were to pass his cave
And if in the air you feel a shockwave
Do not worry, he's just having fun
It's his party music, it's not a gun
He loves to smoke weed and rave

So if you happen to walk by past
The home of the bear with the hand in the cast
Stop and ask for the little green mug
He'll let you have hearty chug
Of honey-laced strawberry blast

A/N: This one is for Oshi, Naveen, Anaz, Najitha, Gava, Chanuk, Chathu, Thanuri, Ramith, Olly and Gyles; the jokers who put the "fun" back in funeral ;) <3

Heaven Can Wait

You throw pebbles at my window in the middle of the night.
I squint out to the darkness and flick on my light
With the skill of a monkey you scale the apple tree
'Cause I know you're there to set me free

The sky is vast, does it mean we're lost?
If ice is pounded, do we call it frost?

You like the bed hair, the frumpled clothes; I smile
Before I sleep again, it will be a while
We sneak out in the dark and into your car
You whisper to me "Baby it isn't far"

I see that the knots on the rope have come undone
Tonight let's misbehave because we know that it is fun.

We sit on the hood of your car and it's dawn
I giggle and wink when you stifle your yawn
I stand up and when I start to sing our song
The sun comes up and it's hot and strong

What will be if we lie face down on the sand?
What the hell now, we've already been eternally damned!

Our mothers find out that we snuck out at night
They shock us as they smile at us without any fight
Then you grab me tightly and hold me by the waist
And say "Baby, you know, heaven can wait"

As we kiss we know that we're going to be late
We don't give a damn 'cause heaven can wait. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dance With Me

The breath I draw is now careworn.
The heart and beats are battered and torn.
Do you want it?
Maybe you had it.
It doesn't matter now, I am alone.

The eyes that once did shine so bright
Have no sense, no depth, no light.
Who took it away?
Nothing more to say
That battered heart cries of fright.

The empty hands that once held
The soft embrace that once witheld
Where has it gone?
Where is that song?
That once in time wind upheld?

No you cannot start that fire
Not when the heart is barbed in a wire
Detach it, you must
In time I will learn to trust
The surest start of wildfire.

So blaze your kisses down neck and throat
Sing to me the song you wrote
Make my hair fall down
Pleasure away this frown
Make me beg to stay afloat

A broken heart, in pieces and shards.
Do you want it?
Would you take it?
Win it.
I want you to win it.

It's the only way.
The beats are long, just sway.
Dance with me this night.
Dance to the pink dawn light.
It's the only way.

Suck Your Lollipops Slow

"Love hurts, but sometimes it's a good hurt,
and it feels like I'm alive"
- Incubus

We all know love hurts. It hurts like a bitch. It hurts before you fall in love, while you're falling in love, when you are in love and even after you have fallen out of love. It chases you, like a cheetah chasing a gazelle, rushing at you like a sperm after an elusive ovum. Does it make you feel like you're alive then? I suppose in a way, it does. See, after you've fallen out of love, you go through that period when you feel nothing but hurt right? I suppose in that context, the hurt of love makes you feel alive because you can actually feel the hurt while you can't feel any other emotions. It's like the only active emotion in a ring of dead emotions in your heart, and feeling that one emotion makes you go on with life. 

"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
darlin' you give love a bad name"
- Bon Jovi

We all know this. It starts with a glance, maybe a word, a casual conversation or even commenting on someone's status on Facebook. Time passes on and things move and you claim to have you heart stolen by that special someone and that Cupid's arrow went through the heart and all those nonsense allegories for love that modern culture have made up. Well if someone has the potential to steal your heart, look after if a little better. A heart stolen too many won't one day be worth a penny. Yeah, I just made that up. And you can't always blame the other person. You consented to a relationship, you consented to having him or her whisper sweet nothings in your ear. They sure as hell didn't force it on you. You can't blame them fully. One needs to take the blame half-way if you end up breaking up with someone. 

"When you're dreaming with a broken heart,
waking up is the hardest part" 
- John Mayer

I couldn't agree more. Because when you're dreaming, you don't have to think. The worse that could happen is that you'll have a nightmare about falling into a lake full of hungry mouthed crocodiles. You don't have to force yourself to be distracted so as to avoid all conscious thought. When you're asleep, you're asleep, and that's that. 

"It's almost always never you,
never you"
- Lissie

You wait for the calls, the text messages. Maybe, she had some work. Maybe, he must be out of the house tonight. You stare at the screen of your mobile so often every minute, it's like you have a twitch. Everytime the damn phone rings, you jump at it like a starved lion on an innocent deer. You're riding a wavelength of which the peaks are made of hope and the troughs are made of disappointment. Up and down on it, you go, convincing yourself that it's going to be okay. Guess what? Until you stop doing what you're doing, it'll never be okay. 

"Time was all we had,
until the day we said goodbye"
- Richard Marx

Somewhere during the "I'm So Over that Jerk" and "She was a Bitch Anyway, I've Moved On" stages of a post-relationship life, you have the moments of bittersweets. Moments of confusion and regret. "Did I do the right thing, letting him/her go?" you ask yourself. To be honest, there really is no point in regretting something that you thought over and made a decision about. It's during this period that your skies are the colour of a TV on static. The exact shades of gray. Never blue, pink nor red. Never. It seems to you like that things would never change. 

"It's a long way down,
when all the knots we've tied have come undone"
- Gin Blossoms

You have moved on, and now your interest is elsewhere. Some else is in your eyes and yet this time, you're more  relaxed. As terrible as it sounds, you're taking things less seriously and to your surprise, you find this other person is the same. You get on like the egg and the oil in mayonnaise. Impossible to mix at first, but with a little whirring of the egg in the correct ways coupled with the right doses of oil.. et voĆ­la! We have the yummiest mayonnaise. You find your grip on reality to be strong and steadfast while you lose yourself with this new person. Maybe because you learned something from your past experience. The growth of feelings now, is slower and more cautious. And yet, it's still cherished. There are loose ends, walls shattering and bonds breaking, but at a slower pace. A more relaxed pace.

"I came to dance dance dance dance.."
- Taio Cruz

Dance. Do it. Life is worthwhile, and despite the crappy quality of love, there are moments worth living for. Recognise these moments. It could be moments with your friends, a day you spent bowling. It could be a a beautiful blue sky on a sunny morning or it could be how you felt when you watched the November rain fall down and how it felt when it washed your face. It could be making parippu curry with your mum for lunch or even having your dog giving you whiskery kisses when you pet him. Life is worth those little things. God, or The Force, or whatever you call it, he's playing music for you. He's DJing so you better get your rear end on the floor and groove under the million sparkles of the disco lights. Dance your way through the days, even during the lowest of times. 

"Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
and love's gonna get you down"
- Mika

Love slowly. Live with your chin up and your boobs out. 
Suck your lollipops slow.

There is no rush.
No rush at all. 

Thursday, October 07, 2010


The sky was a brilliant blue. Bluer than blue, if that was possible. He loved the sky like this. He always has. It was her favourite color. He was spread out on the sand, his Hawaiian print trunks blending in well with the beautiful shades of the peaceful beach. There was a small sprinkling of cirrus clouds at the horizon and the water spread out over them in an ever changing, un-tameable expanse of cerulean. Beautiful azure, the deep richness of lazuli.. it was haunting mixture of blues. He sighed, crossing his hands under his head. The sun beat down upon him, burning and soothing. The coconut palms shook their green leaves gracefully at the caress of the wind. The sand was glinting gold, each grain of sand glowing brilliantly. 

He closed his eyes and for several minutes, he could here the gentle crashing of the waves and the rustle of palm fronds and he thought of her. The beach always reminded him of her. When he opened his eyes, she was there, right next to him. He smiled, knowing he'd always find her when he needed. She was dressed in a white cover-up, a yellow bikini tied at her neck. Her thick black hair gracefully fell past her shoulders and it shone in the sunlight. On her lips was a familar smile. 

"I have missed you" he said, his hand reaching out to hers. She held it, and slid close to him. 

"And I have missed you" she replied, running a finger up and down his arm. He sat in an upright position, cross legged, and they faced each other. He took her face in his hands and stared at it, long and hard, like he couldn't stare enough. He studied her deep brown eyes, her soft nose, her lips and he looked at the scar on her cheek. He stroked it gently with his thumb and kissed it. She closed her eyes. He held her to him and breathed in her familiar scent. 

Together, they lay back on the sand and watched the blue sky. Nestling comfortably on the hollow of her throat was a pendant of a blue butterfly, made of opal. His gift to her. He touched this and stroked her neck softly, finally leaning over to kiss her. Her body was small and delicate in his large arms and he held her to him, kissing her and recalling memories. Time passed on. 

The sky was now a shade of light gold and pink. 

"It's time" she said. His heart sank.

"When will you be back?" he asked her. They stood up. 

"I won't be back" she said sadly. His heart stopped. 

"No.....No! NO!" he shouted. He grabbed her and held her, and suddenly, it was who was she was holding him, supporting him. 

"It really is time love. I have no say in this" she explained. He felt tears welling up. He sobbed and he couldn't hold it back. She was holding him as he cried in her arms.

"Stay" he said.

"You'll learn to love again" she said.

"But you taught me! You taught me what is was. How can I learn again?" he protested, raising his head. Tears were pouring down his face and he noticed tears on her own cheeks. 

"I love you" she said.

"Don't go" he pleaded. 

"I love you. I loved you with every single beat of my heart. Those beats were numbered. But I loved you to the very last of them" she said softly. 

"No..Please.. Stay. I love you." he cried.

"This heart will always be yours" she said.

"Stay" he said. 

"You'll find someone who loves you for who you are. Someone who'll be around longer. When that happens, think of me. Think of me and know that I'm watching you and I am happy for you"

"No" he said. He held onto her and they held each other for an eternity and yet it could not be enough. The sun sank lower and lower in the sky until it was disappearing below the horizon. 

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you" he said. He held her... and suddenly his arms were wrapped around thin air. She was gone. His knees gave away... and he fell. She was no more. 

Another afternoon.
He watched the blue sky. It was her favourite colour. His missed her. His heart was still hers. He never really got it back. 

Suddenly, a little butterfly with brilliant blue wings settles on his knee. He holds his breath. A breeze blows through the palm fronds and he hears her voice in the wind. He and the butterfly watch the sky and a tear rolls down his face.

She loves me.