Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Roofies III: Roofrandom

So here I am, sitting on the roof again. I guess this is turning out to by kind of like my comfort paradise? Is there such a thing called a comfort paradise anyway? Because a place can be paradise, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a place of comfort is it?

Okay fine, all these sexy hotels down south and in Udawalawe and stuff, you know, the hotels with the luxurious jacuzzi pools that massage your butt and the spas that give you dead-to-world-sleep massages? I mean you call those paradise and they certainly are comfortable but they aren't comfort if you know what I mean. Does that make any sense?

Anyway. Here I am on the roof, with my usual munchie. Well. Okay, it's isn't mango pickle or mango chutney. It is actually ambarella. Yeah ambarella. And NO, I am NOT eating it raw (blehh) because I hate it raw, but when my mother makes Ambarella curry, I simply CANNOT (the emphasis being on not) resist the allure of it. Okay so yeah, I stole a container full of Ambarella curry and I am seated here, eating it.

There's a really nice soft breeze circling the vicinity of my house by the way. It surprises me cause the past few days it has been so effing hot and I woke up halfway through the night and slept very restlessly afterward because I was sweating like a pig.

And what's up with that? About the sweating like a pig thing? Do pigs sweat? I guess they do have cooling mechanisms like humans since they are mammals too.. but I guess it's more of releasing heat? But then all mammals should be able do that right? All mammals are exothermic? So if all mammals are exothermic, why do we use the term "sweating like a pig?" Isn't that a subjective term? I mean, if pigs were able to effectively communicate with humans, we might even have court cases for using that term. Like, why can't we say "sweat like a bat" or "sweat like a cat" or something? They're mammals too? Although we can't say "sweat like a crocodile because crocs are reptilians. And talking about the pigs being civilized; there pigs who in comparison to certain humans are much more well behaved and civilized. Seriously, humans should be sub-classified under the titles civilized, somewhat civilized and complete animal.

I was thinking about G-strings earlier. They're a real pain in the butt (no pun intended). Yeah so guys say they're sexy and yadda yadda but seriously, I feel SO naked when I wear them and it's really uncomfortable at times, specially the lace ones. The lace ones tend to roll up between your butt cheeks and it becomes really uncomfortable then. Sometime I really feel like "screw the effing panty lines, comfort over style for me" but then in some cases, like in official stuff, I guess you have no choice?

MUN is this weekend. I am seriously surprised at myself because I actually spoke and entertained Points of Information. Not that I'm terrified of public speaking or whatever, but it's still kinda... y' know.. AND OMG! Edward Cullen is in my committee!
Yes! Edward Cullen!

Okay let me explain.

I'm not one of those Twilight addicted fucktards okay? I hate the book. I honestly do. I hate the movies even more. Seriously, Twilight comes NO-fucking-where close to Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings. Anyway. So I read Twilight (obviously I have to read it to decide whether I like it DUH) and it's like whenever you read a book with fictional characters in it, you have your own vision-slash-idea-slash-picture as to what each character looks like right? Like in your mind's eye, you have a personal picture (and I did NOT mean that in a perverted sense). Well, there's this guy, the first time I saw him, the words Edward Cullen flashed across my mind in big, bold PURPLE block capitals. And I tell you, he is VERY easy on the eyes.. and he has a marvellous behind..mmmmm.

Ahem. Anyway. 

So yeah.. that's what's been happening lately. Other than that, some male homophobic drama which I do not wish to relate because it is far too tiresome. Ah males! How you feminine you are! 

Currently I am lusting after a pair of Green shoes I saw at Mondy. They're SO gorgeous, made out if this delicate olive Green satiny material with a one-inch heel and a buckle ankle back strap. It's open to and it has these cute criss cross arrangement of straps over the toes. It's GORGEOUS. Gosh. I want it so bad.

Life goes on... here I sit and I eat my ambarella. Akki came and she went back and I really miss her, more than I missed her last time. Over the holidays we got really really close and I shared a lot with her. I realised that even though in writing I am emotional, in real life I hardly let people see me cry and stuff. I have Woman of Steel facade. But then when it's nighttime and I'm lonely I gush out my tears like the freaking Niagara. Hmm.

I guess this is a more of a serious note that rest because I am coming to realise that fact that I'm leaving school in May. Sigh, where did all that time go? I'll miss my friends SO much! Specially Thami and Rush. Theja I hardly see so it's all right. I really am looking forward to uni because I looked at the coursework and it really seemed interesting. But I'll really miss everything about this microscopic, hot, judgmental island which I call home. 

I feel lucky. Yeah. I have the BEST best friend anyone could ever have. Theja is the most awesomest person (is awesomest a word? =/ ). It's like, I've been having all these crappy problems and the moment I talk to him, everything seems fine, even for those few minutes and I forget everything and he cracks me up so much. I rrally miss the guy though, I haven't seen him so long. And Thami. Oh gosh she's been an angel the past few days when the going got tough. I really can't.. well, I don't know what to think (maybe because my mouth is having orgasms because of the ambarella I'm eating) but yeah.. *speechless*

Damn. I love them both. ♥

"Find out games you don't wanna play
You are, the only one that needs to know
I'll keep you my dirty little secret"
- All American Rejects

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