Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sexual Remembrance

How did it feel?
Did it feel real 
When you stood with her
And held her hands?

What did she say?
As the two of you lay?
On her white bed
Did it feel planned?

What did you think?
Did she fall for your winks?
Was her hair silky?
Was her skin lush?

When you kissed her deep
Did her heart leap?
Like it happened to me?
Did her cheeks flush?

Was your voice that sexy rasp?
When you popped her bra clasp?
And nibbled at the melons
That she bore?

Hickeys did you leave?
What did others percieve?
When they saw her clothes
Scattered in the corridor

And did you look down
With your cute half frown?
As she obediently went
On her knees

Was it fire and flame?
Did it feel the same?
Did her mouth work magic?
Did she tease?

Was it a purr
When you spanked her
That you heard coming
From her throat

I bet she felt lost
When you were her boss
I bet she struggled
To stay afloat

Was it pure lust?
When you did thrust
Into her, how loud
Did she moan?

Was her orgasm strong
Did it last long?
Did your conscience stir
When she groaned?

When you tied her to the bed
Were her lips red?
As mine, when you did
The same to me?

Did she beg for mercy
Amongst your cursing
Tell me, how obedient
Really was she?

Did she say your name?
Like me, while she came?
Was she convinced that
You would stick around?

How was her reception?
To your masterly deception?
She did she go on fours
On the ground?

And when the sun shone
Did she find herself alone?
And your side of the bed
Empty and cold?

After such a fuck
Did you just chuck
Her to a corner 
Of your memory hold?

You loved my wit
But in truth it was my tits
So tell me now
How did it feel?

After you fucked her
Did you remember
That you did the
Same to me?


  1. What i like: This seems to be a very simple, yet poignant poem, narrated by an angry voice. The rhyme scheme is very simple and effective, and the theme is obviously stated.

    What i dont like: I felt that this poem is too long. Usually, long poems progress with each verse, and concludes with a strong ending. With this poem, I felt that many of the stanzas were unneeded (like #1-3) and some of the stanzas were very similar (like third before last and the last). These stanzas simple dilute the poem's intensity.

  2. Thank you, really appreciate it :D
