Love comes is all shapes and size sand in so many various forms right?
But.. Tell me why the love we have is not the love we pay heed to?
Why do we have a hell-bent need for a different type of love?
We crave for the love that is like wildfire
With the bright, red flames that consumes us whole
And before we know, we lose ourselves
And in most cases we can't find our way back
We lose ourselves. So.. Why do we crave it?
Is it because that a love like fire is rare and doesn't happen often?
Or is it because we're hormone junkies? Riding on guilt trips and sorrow?
When a lover breaks our hearts we claim to have "lost the ability to love"
We claim to be "unloved by anyone".
Screw that. Open your eyes. See how many friends have pulled you to safety
Remember all the times your mother held you to her
If you have a younger sibling, you'll see in their eyes how they look up to in complete adoration and love
Think about the nights you were drunk and happy in the company of people you'd take a bullet for
So screw all the "I am unloved by anyone" stuff.
Crave the love you have. Not the love you don't. A love like a fire is still a fire. It will burn out someday.
But a love like magic, like the one you seen in the smallest things around you...
... it remains intact and unbroken, because the universe is built on magic. And the universe never ends.
Crave the love you have.
It's all around.
You just have to know where to look.
This made so much sense, it my day too. :)