Monday, June 07, 2010

The Friendly Face in the Crowd

The crowds gathered below her
To witness her untimely fall
As the crowds gathered previously
To bear the witness to it all
Long enchanting summers
Several years before
They stood for admiration
For her music, poetry and show

They stood to speak of her beauty
Of her poise, grace and charm
Of her wit and graceful turn of neck
A frond of delicate palm
They sang praises when she read
And read compliments when she sang
For no other queen nor princess
Is of such grace in all the land

When she danced they watched her
With hungry eyes and hearts
Desirable woman and supple curves
Oh how she played her part
They all wanted her attention
And vied forever for her smiles
Penning words for her perfect brow
And praising her trends and style

And ere she stands before them
Those people who she knew
But yet, all is an illusion
She knew as the sword withdrew
These people who had proclaimed love
Were now just hypocrites
Watching her yes, but wanting her not
No praise not word for her wit

The poetry they sung were over
The wells of song, now dry
For they looked upon her from below
Silhouetted against the summer sky
Her turn of neck still graceful
Her face yet the beautiful cream
No word nor song reached her
Nothing to say nor redeem

She slowly fell to her knees
Still the princess, the queen
Still the gracious, the wonderful woman
The land had ever seen
She held her dignity and her head high
Her eyes simply scanned the crowd
She held her charm she showed no fear
As the noise and din grew loud

She found his face staring at her
Strong as it always was
She needed a smile not sympathy
For this act was of not just cause
Clairvoyance slowly played his part
He looked at her and smiled
His queen, this woman, it's all he saw
Her answering gaze was mild

Her eyes were open her gaze still held
The noise of the crowd then grew
These people who had said loved her
Were vile as a scavenging shrew
Her eyes found his and there it stayed
When the sword gleamed against the sky
He was her friendly face in the crowd
As she with her full grace, died.

This poem was inspired by the rise and 
the fall of the English queen Ann Boleyn,
second wife of King Henry VIII