Sunday, May 01, 2011

The Golden Balloon

She dragged her feet as she walked
She left skid marks on the ground
She slumped her shoulders, away she went
She walked with hardly a sound
The street was full of colourful balloons
It made her black and white
Her monochrome countenance swayed
Dull and out of sight

And then a golden balloon said " Hello Miss
How may I make you smile?" 
She raised her head and said very softly
"I haven't shed a smile in a while"
The golden balloon, his round face shining
Bobbed against the summer air
"Well then, just hold tightly to my string
I promise thee, it shant tear" 

She closed her eyes, she held the string
And then she thought no more
The golden balloon began to rise
Until she began to soar
Up and away they rose from the Earth
The balloon and the girl were gone
Fading forever to the vast blue expanse
Into the summer sunshine's song


A/N: Sal o thys shael tia kylael shalyl :)

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