Gravity, My Dear, what is your deal?
Why do I trip over my own heel?
Why do I stumble on surfaces flat?
Why can't I land stable like a cat?
Gravity, Dear Gravity, why so cruel?
Walking against you, a constant duel
Where is balance? Please give it back
What say you? Shall we make a pact?
So Gravity and I, we made a pact
And for a while everything remained intact
And then things started going downhill
I wondered why I could not stand still
I fell down, I spiralled to the depth
And on that note, the pact hit death
I screamed at Gravity for letting me fall
For I did no wrong, it was all his fault
But Gravity smiled and said to me
"Dear Child, you are failing to see
Things were meant to go this way
When you fall out of love, I have no say"
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