Sunday, May 01, 2011

Oh My God, It's The Devil

Religion. Ah, it is such a prick.
And no, think what you want of me, but honestly religion is a whole load of crap. 

Do I believe in God? Interesting question.
The thing is, I don't. Half of the good things that have happened to me, I say they happened due to random chance, coincidence, luck and timing. Believable. I have a scientific mind.. And unless I have proof of something, my mind rejects it as being false by default.

Which is ironic you know? I'm a writer. I am supposed to believe in things beyond the conventional realm of things but my mind refuses to grapple with the concept that God exists. My mother preaches to me that He does. Sometimes it honestly gets on my nerves, but it's my mother and she has her beliefs and I have mine.
In all honesty, I don't have issues with people who believe in God. I don't have a problem with religion as long as religion doesn't apply to me. I mean a person I am close to could be one of those Bible quoting, Rosary counting people and it wouldn't bother me in the least because it's their life to believe whatever and do whatever. So here is my stand in things... I don't believe in God.

Ah, now comes the rub.
I believe in the Devil. Yes, yes I do.

Now let's back track and forget everything for a moment.

The universe is made of opposites. This is stuff we learnt for basic Physics/Science. Light has darkness, fat has thin, Voldemort has Harry Potter and Batman has the Joker. Opposites are needed to strike a balance. The world would never be a utopia because utopia would not flourish on its own, not without the dystopic element in it. Dystopia is crucial for the survival of utopia and vice versa. Just imagine lions stopped hunting deer... We'd be over run with deer and we'd have no fucking trees! See my point? Nature knows best, and knowing best is striking a balance. So there, we have our basic theory of opposites.

Now going back to the Devil. I said I believe the Devil exists right? Yeah. You know what bothers me? I don't believe that God exists but I believe the Devil does. Oxymoronic? Yes. That's like saying that I know light is present but darkness doesn't. I mean, no light = no darkness right. So... It's looks like my beliefs have been questioned! OH NO! I HAVE TO BELIEVE IN GOD!  THE HORROR!

Also, you know what's funny? We get all these self proclaimed Atheists, metal heads mostly. They speak exclusively of their strong disbelief in God and yet pay homage to Satan. To them, I say this: You are all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. Seriously. If you're going to disbelieve in God, you need to not believe in the Devil too. If you're going to hero worship Satan, you might as well accept the fact that God exists. And no, you cannot fault me on this because I am talking directly based on the theory of opposites. One end of an opposite can never survive without the other. Simple fact. I'd rather be a metal head who believes in both God and Satan than a hypocrite who believes just one side of it; to be evil is SO COOL NOH!

So now comes my take on things. 
Do I believe in God along with my belief in Satan?
Or do I believe that neither exists?
I won't consider either of them. I don't believe in God, I don't believe in Satan. Rather, I believe in something more powerful, something inevitable, universal and something far easier to grasp because we see proof of it everyday, we see it affecting everything from a virus particle to a blue whale; a flower to a tree.

I believe in Death.

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