Sunday, May 01, 2011

My Bubble. MINE.

I dwell in my little bubble.
It's a bubble of Green, cheese, chocolate and books. Of poetry, Johnny Depp and plain tea.
It is also a bubble of misery. 
It is a bubble of intense depression and hate.
Hate for the world and the humans and what they are. 
It's a bubble of varying emotions and thoughts.
It consists of a myriad of smiles, frowns
Oh yes, laughter and tears too.
I am happy in this bubble I dwell in. 
Is it because I am shunned from reality in my bubble?
Or is it because reality is in high definition
in my bubble?
High definition like a Sony Bravia screen.
Oh I don't know. Something about my bubble... it just amazes me.
My bubble is awesome and it's cool.
I advise you to get a bubble like mine.
That way, you can live in happy ignorance and care about things ONLY worth caring about
Like abortion, child labour and when you will become famous. 
And in your bubble, you are free to run naked for all you want.
Because it is YOUR bubble. You want to be a naked chimpanzee? Go for it. 
Your bubble will be your best friend.
A pretty pretty best friend. 
Get yourself a bubble and let me know.
We'll go bubble dancing together.

And while we're at it, don't burst my bubble.
I won't take it lightly.
Because when you break my bubble, you break me.
And no one breaks me.
No one. 

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